Lab News & Updates
First PhD student graduates from the lab. Laura defended her PhD thesis
After almost 5 years in the lab, Laura is the first student to successfully complete her PhD. Laura did an excellent job in discussing her findings with faculty opponent Prof. Kim Good-Jacobson from
Monash University, Australia.
Find some pictures from the thesis nailing and defense.
We are back online! Find below many new studies
We are back online after some time not updating the website. Lot has happened, in particular we are excited to present several studies:
Zhao-Shan, visiting PhD student from Lanzhou, China has published her article on anti-influenza nanobodies in Nature Communications
Nimitha has posted a preprint on Nasal Tissue Resident CD4 T cells and their role after influenza infection
Laura has posted a preprint on computationally designed vaccines for influenza protection
Hsiang-Chi has posted a preprint on the role of nuclear RNA interference in antiviral immunity
Laura wrote a review on memory B cells
Our review on memory B cells is now published in EJI.
Lydia, Hannes and Katerina's paper is out!
Congrats to Lydia, Hannes, Katerina and all other lab members and collaborators involved! Our paper on longitudinal persistence of B cell clones after COVID-19 infection is out in JCI Insight.
Davide is appointed as Wallenberg Academy Fellow
Davide is one of the 27 new Wallenberg Academy Fellows. This prestigious program allows young researcher to focus on their work by giving them economical stability for five years.
Three new grants from Vetenskapsrådet
We are very grateful to the Swedish Research Council/Vetenskapsrådet which will generously fund three of our projects for the next four years with a total of 11.2M SEK.
Review published
Davide wrote a review together with Mats Bemark on IgA responses in the mucosa.
Paper published
Nimitha's and Jay's paper is finally published in
Cell Reports!
Congrats Nimitha!
Nimitha receives a 3-year grant from the Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF) to continue her postdoctoral studies and initiate a very exciting project.
Lydia joins the lab
Lydia Scharf joins the lab as a postdoc. Lydia did her PhD at Karolinska Institutet and in the lab she will work on the COVID project.
Janarthan and Danica join the lab
Jonathan is an MD who will do his PhD in the lab working on human B cell responses to flu. He is in the basic medical science PhD program which involves teaching.
Danica is a Master student who will be in the lab for a few months.
Laura joins as PhD student
Laura Reusch joins the lab (remotely for now) as a PhD student. She will be working on B cell memory.
The lab joins the fight against COVID-19
Our project, co-led with Mats Bemark, has been awarded funding and will be part of the SciLife-KAW COVID-19 national research program, in the Biomarkers and Systems Immunology platform.
Hannes enrolled as the first PhD student in the lab
After almost one year in the lab as project student, Hannes has been enrolled as
a PhD student in the lab.
Review published
We just published a review on recombinant influenza vaccines and immunodominance.
Great work by Nimitha!
Two postdocs join the lab
We welcome two new postdocs, Ilya Smirnov and Aikaterini Emmanoulidi, who have recently joined the lab. Welcome!
ERC Starting Grant
The lab has received the prestigious ERC Starting grant to expand its research team and further investigate B cell responses in antiviral immunity.
New bioinformatician joins the lab
Jay has joined as a bioinformatician. Welcome!
Davide is awarded a prize from the Jeanssons Foundation
Davide is one of the two Prize Winners for best project proposal submitted
to the Jeanssons Foundations.
Two new students
We welcome two students to the lab: Julia Hultén and Hannes Axelsson.
Good luck with your projects!
Two postdocs join the lab
Two postdocs join the lab: Valentina Bernasconi and Nimitha Rose Mathew. Welcome!
New funding received
The lab has received a new grant from the Jeanssons Foundations to study
B cell fate decision upon influenza infection.
Angeletti Lab launches
We are excited to be starting our work at the Department of Microbiology
and Immunology, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg.